Local Rules


Outside perimeter of the course.

Pump house/water point near Green No 7 / Tee No 3.

Pathway from Club House to Tee No 1.

“Get Away” hut near Tee No 11.

Area beyond white stakes towards RSI on fairway No 18.

Area beyond right side of Boards near Green No 9.

Maint area between FW No 6 & 7.


Water Hazards: All areas marked with yellow paint or stakes.

Lateral Water Hazards: Pond in FW No 3 while playing hole No 6 and actual drain right of FW No 14. All areas marked with red paint or stakes.

Ball stuck on top of duck board placed over nullah between FW No 6 and 3 will be considered as in Hazard.


Play from GUR (ball or stance) is prohibited.

All areas marked with black & white stakes / white chuna / white bricks / marked by GUR bd.

Area of obstacle courses on right of fairway Nos 10 and 16 marked with white and black stakes.

Landscaped areas ahead of Tee No 6 and beside Tee No 4.

All lined drains and water channels dug on the course unless marked as hazards, whether or not they contain water.

Tracks across fairways 7 and 11 and along Poona Club boundary wall behind the Starter’s Hut.

Tree plants on three mounds ahead of green No 3.


Play from GUR (ball or stance) is prohibited.

All areas marked with black & white stakes / white chuna / white bricks / marked by GUR bd.

Area of obstacle courses on right of fairway Nos 10 and 16 marked with white and black stakes.

Landscaped areas ahead of Tee No 6 and beside Tee No 4.

All lined drains and water channels dug on the course unless marked as hazards, whether or not they contain water.

Tracks across fairways 7 and 11 and along Poona Club boundary wall behind the Starter’s Hut.

Tree plants on three mounds ahead of green No 3.


For example anything artificial incl all iron/cement, bridges over hazards, benches, water points, tee markers, all distance markers, stakes, all notice boards, all cemented/metal/plastic covers of drain holes, church all steel culverts, all cement bases of range lights, saplings, all cement steps and distance markers are immovable obstruction except:-

i. Objects defining out of bounds.
ii. Any part of immovable artificial object which is out of bounds or in a hazard.


Drain of bricks right of Green No 4 and near Tee No 5.

Area beyond White and Black stakes on FW No 10 & 16.

In case the ball is touching the duck boards placed over nullah between FW No 6 & 3 (but not on top of the duck board), free drop may be taken.

Saplings marked with white chuna/paint.

In case of pit of saplings ‘not marked with white chuna/paint free drop can be taken only if the ball lies in the sapling pit.

Ball lying in cement nallah on left of FW No 14 may be dropped one club lengths towards the fence without penalty, not nearer the hole.

In case of golf balls lies between white line and boards screen, marked along the boards right of Green No 9.

Area marked along the railway line fence right of FW No 13.


Drop Zones are provided near nets. Play from the marked Drop Zone nearest to the ball.


Reshot is optional if ball hits an overhead cable, telephone pole, guy cable, flag mast, flag pole, light pole, poles erected for synthetic nets (for example FW 2/8).


A ball will be played as it lies. Any ball lying in the wrong fairway will be taken two club lengths from first grass cut of FW into the correct FW with penalty of one stroke not nearer the hole. Wrong FW are marked with trees having white marker/chuna/white & red strip stakes. These are applicable to Hole No 1,3,4,5,8,16 and 18. Wrong Fairway penalty will be applied only once. For second violation ball will be brought to correct FW from first grass cut of correct FW and played without penalty.


Ball flight must be from the correct fairway side of totem. In case of violation, ball must be dropped anywhere in the correct fairway not closer to the hole than the totem, under penalty of one stroke. Totem is deemed to extend vertically upwards.


All sand and ground bunkers are playable unless marked as GUR.


Senior Citizen & Veterans may play from Tees marked with white markers.


Golfers playing a senior hole will have priority.

Golfers on Green No 2 will give way to members teeing off from Tee No 8.

Golfers on Tee No 3 will give priority to golfers on Green No 6.



T-Shirt with color should be tucked in

Trouser except Jeans

Shorts upto knee length

PT Shoes with socks

Golf Shoe with Nylon Studs

Sleeveless Shirts/T-Shirts is not allowed

Golf Shoes with steel spikes not allowed


T-Shirt & Skirts

Trouser except Jeans

Shorts knee length

PT Shoes with socks

Golf Shoe with Nylon Studs

Sleeveless Shirts/T-Shirt is not allowed

Golf Shoes with steel spikes not allowed